Diatonic Accordion Online Multimedia Course
Didactic Plan of the Basic Course

Multimedia Contents:

  1. 131 videos (more than 15 hours of recording)
  2. 46 mp3
  3. 70 music scores
  4. 46 midi file

Fundamentals of Technique Section

FT01 - Posture and right hands position
  1. Right hands posture
  2. How to play on a single row
  3. How to play ascending and descending 3 notes scales
  4. Right way to play with the index finger
  5. Right way to play with the annular finger
  6. Keeping the right positions on the keyboard
  7. The Cross-Over technique
  8. Correct fingering of an A minor scale
  9. The Push-Pull technique
  10. Correct fingering of an ascending scale
  11. Correct fingering of a descending scale
  12. Alternating bichords to index finger
  13. Correct fingering of a melodic phrase in A minor
  14. How to play the top keyboards notes (e.g. G#)

FT02 - Playing basses
  1. Correct fingering for playing basses in high position
  2. Exercises for playing basses in high position
  3. Correct fingering for playing basses in low position
  4. Exercises for playing basses in low position
  5. Exercise for playing basses in low and high positions
  6. Exercise in 2/4 with crossed positions
  7. Exercise for improve annular finger skill
  8. How to play main "crossed" positions chords (REm7, MIm7)
  9. Exercise for keep the correct position for "crossed" positions chords
  10. Exercise for improve hand skill in shifting the "crossed" positions

FT03 - Exercises for improving hands autonomy
  1. Introduction to the independence of the two cerebral hemispheres
  2. Exercises on the 3/4 beat
  3. Correct accents the left hand on 3/4 beat
  4. The basics: the omorhythmic style
  5. Exercise on the "fake" triplets in eighths
  6. Exercise on triplets opposed to a 3/4 beat
  7. Exercises on the 2/4 beat
  8. Correct accents the left hand on 2/4 beat
  9. The basics: full measure notes and omorhythmic style
  10. Exercises on the dotted notes

FT04 - Exercises for managing the bellow and the air valve
  1. Exercise n.1 - Adjusting the volume with the open valve
  2. Exercise n.2 - Pulling the bellow on the bass note
  3. Exercise n.3 - Pushing del mantice sul basso
  4. Exercise n.4 - Pulling between 2th and 3rd beat pulling the bellow
  5. Exercise n.5 - Pushing between 2th and 3rd beat pulling the bellow
  6. Exercise n.6 - Pushing between 2th and 3rd beat pushing the bellow
  7. Exercise n.7 - Pulling between 2th and 3rd beat pushing the bellow
  8. Exercise n.8 - Pulling between 1th e 2nd beat pulling the bellow
  9. Exercise n.9 - Pushing between 1th e 2nd beat pulling the bellow
  10. Exercise n.10 - Pushing between 1th e 2nd beat pushing the bellow

FT05 - Practice on the right keyboard
  1. Ascending and descending sequence of octaves
  2. Construction of the intervals of 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 on two rows
  3. La successione di seste in apertura di mantice
  4. The sixth series of the opening of bellow
  5. A minor scale on two octaves
  6. Phrasing on two octaves pushing the bellow
  7. Phrasing with the technique of the "contrappunto" note
  8. Technique of repetition with two fingers
  9. Technique of repetition with three fingers
  10. First steps in polyphony

Higher Level Technical Issues

TE01 - Exercises for improving hands agility and synchronization
  1. - Exercise n.1 - part 1
  2. Synchronous push-pull with three fingers
  3. Exercise n.1 - part 2
  4. Synchronous push-pull with four fingers
  5. Exercise n.2 - part 1
  6. Synchronous push-pull on demisemiquavers
  7. Exercise n.2 - part 2
  8. Synchronous push-pull on demisemiquavers and change fingering in the high register
  9. Exercise n.3 - part 1
  10. Ascending push pull scale grouped rhythmically
  11. Exercise n.3 - part 2
  12. Descending push pull scale grouped rhythmically
  13. Playing ascending and descending triplets
  14. Exercise n.4
  15. Study on the sound equivalence on the bellow directions
  16. Exercise n.5
  17. Study on the thirds descending and ascending sequence
  18. Exercise n.6 - part 1
  19. Two octave ascending and descending scale on eighths
  20. Exercise n.6 - part 2
  21. Two octave ascending and descending scale on demisemiquavers
  22. Exercise n.6 - terza parte
  23. Two octave ascending and descending scale grouped rhythmically
  24. Exercise n.7
  25. Phrasing two octaves grouped by 2th intervals
  26. Exercise n.8
  27. Phrasing two octaves grouped by 2th intervals on demisemiquavers
  28. Exercise n.9 - part 1
  29. Phrasing two octaves ascending and descending on eighths by 3th intervals
  30. Exercise n.9 - part 2
  31. Phrasing two octaves ascending and descending on demisemiquavers by 3th intervals
  32. Exercise n.10 - part 1
  33. A minor harmonic scale ascending and descending on eighths
  34. Exercise n.10 - part 2
  35. A minor harmonic scale ascending and descending on demisemiquavers

TE02 - Exercises for improving bellow expression and sensibility
  1. Exercise n.1 - Maintaining the "bellow threshold" pulling the bellow
  2. Exercise n.2 - Maintaining the "bellow threshold" pushing the bellow
  3. Exercise n.3 - Increase the volume by pulling the bellow
  4. Exercise n.4 - Increase the volume by pushing the bellow
  5. Exercise n.5 - Increase sensitivity on the right hand by pulling the bellow
  6. Exercise n.6 - Increase sensitivity on the right hand by pushing the bellow
  7. Exercise n.7 - Increase sensitivity on the left hand by pulling the bellow
  8. Exercise n.8 - Increase sensitivity on the left hand by pushing the bellow
  9. Exercise n.9 - Bellowed notes ("saltarello" style)

TE03 - Exercises on asymmetrical rhythms
  1. Introduction to asymmetrical rhythms
  2. Exercise n.1 - 8/8 time signature (3 + 3 + 2)
  3. Exercise n.2 - 7/8 time signature (3 + 2 + 2)
  4. Exercise n.3 - 9/8 time signature (3 + 2 + 2 + 2)
  5. Exercise n.4 - 11/8 time signature (2 + 2 + 3 + 2 + 2)
  6. Exercise n.5 - 15/8 time signature (3 + 3 + 2 + 3 + 2 + 2)
  7. Exercise n.6 - 5/4 time signature syncopated

TE04 - Playing chords on right keyboard
  1. Range of A minor
  2. LAm6, LAm9
  3. Range of E
  4. E maggiore e Em7
  5. Range of F
  6. Fmaj7, F6
  7. Range of C
  8. Cmaj7, Csus2, Caug
  9. Range of G
  10. G6, G7, Gmaj7, Gsus2, Gaug
  11. Range of D minor
  12. Dm6, Dm7, Dm9
  13. Range of E minor
  14. Em, Em7
  15. Other chords on the right keyboard
  16. Gm, Gm6, Gm7, Gm9, A, A7

TE05 - Melody embellishments
  1. Introduction to the embellishments different styles
  2. The "acciaccatura"
  3. The "appoggiatura"
  4. The "gruppetto"
  5. The "mordente"
  6. The "doubling" effect
  7. The "mordente" with repetition
  8. The "trillo"
  9. Different styles in use of the triplet
  10. The "arpeggio"
  11. The repetitions

Your First Diatonic Accordion Tunes

PB01 - First valzer
Italian traditional Valzer

PB02 - First Mazurca
Mazurca del Berry

PB03 - First Polka
Polka de Nice

PB04 - First Bourrée
Bourrée d'Arleuf

PB05 - First Scottish
Italian traditional Scottish